What is ozone?
Ozone is energized oxygen. The same ozone that is created from the sun and filters out the ultraviolet rays.
How is it used in dentistry?
Ozone can treat and eliminate infection in the mouth. When applied to the infected area, there is no fighting defense against the reaction that occurs. Therefore, the microorganisms die and become disinfected. Once the “oxidative burst” happens, more blood flows to the area and healing starts to occur. It can be used is 3 different applications. Not just oxygen/ozone but also ozontaed water and ozontaed oil.
How do I know if ozone is right for me?
If any of the following procedures are recommended…
- Root canals
- Fillings
- Deep cleanings (periodontal disease)
How long have dentist been using ozone?
Ozone has been being used in dentistry since the 1900’s. Not all dentists offer this procedure to their patients. It is used mostly by biological dentists.
We offer ozone therapy in our office!