Have you ever whitened your teeth?
When it comes to whitening teeth, we offer a couple different options. We have an in office whitening system or take home whitening.
What’s the difference between the two whitening options?
With the in office Zoom whitening you will see results in just one appt. Where as the take home will take up two weeks for maximum results.
What is the procedure for the Zoom in office?
We isolate lips, cheeks, tongue and gums so that the only thing exposed to the light are teeth. The whitening gel is then placed on the teeth. The Zoom light is lined up to the mouth to help activate the whitening gel. The light is used for 4 /15 minute cycles, at the start of each cycle new gel is used. Molds of your teeth are taken to make customized trays for touching up at home along with a tube or whitening gel. These are included because you will need to touch up in order to maintain that pearly white smile!
Why do I need to use trays at home if I’m going to do the in office whitening?
Teeth have microscopic pores so what the whitening gel does is it takes out the impurities. Things we eat and drink on a daily basis naturally stain our teeth even after whitening.
What is the procedure for take home whitening?
Molds of your teeth are taken and customized trays are made. 4 tubes or whitening gel along with instructions are given. The trays are to be worn 30 minutes a day for 14 days. After 14 days the teeth will not get any lighter. The extra gel will then be used for touch ups as needed.
What are the Pros and Cons to take home vs in office whitening?
The Zoom is great for someone who has a busy lifestyle and can not find time to wear trays daily. It’s also great if you are looking for instant results for a special occasion like a wedding, prom or holidays. The Zoom is done in 2 hours vs 2 weeks for take home. Both will give same results but in office is faster results. The in office cost a little more because the procedure is in the office vs at home where you do it yourself.
Both options will offer great results!