When we sleep, we require steady oxygen absorption to maintain body function and to heal. When we do not receive enough oxygen while we rest, the lack of oxygen will interfere with this healing process. All the cells within our bodies require adenosine triphosphate...
Children experience sleep-disordered-breathing just as often if not more than adults do. If a child’s sleep apnea is intervened with early enough, multiple health complications can be avoided. So, what can I do to make sure my child won’t suffer the consequences of...
Why do I snore? The most common reason we snore is because of a blockage in our natural breathing passage. There could be a blockage in the nasal passages or near the opening of the airway. Many people are suffering from sleep apnea, which is a blockage that is severe...
Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a common condition that people have. You may have been told by your dentist that you likely grind your teeth but can’t recall when and if you do this. Perhaps an oral appliance has been recommended to you to protect your teeth. Because...
Many people suffer from an undiagnosed sleep disorder. A sleep disorder occurs when there is a blockage that prevents oxygen from moving through the nose and into the circulatory system. This blockage will occur while we are sleeping when our soft tissue relaxes and...
Dr. Kaplan has published an article in a special issue of the Journal of the American Laser Study Club entitled, “Infant Laser Frenectomy Case Studies.” Details of this issue are available...