More and more of the population are being diagnosed with thyroid disease. The two most common are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. The role of the thyroid is to help in the production of many hormones. These hormones are needed to help all cells in the body work...
Sleep Apnea It is normal to have an occasional night sleep where you toss, turn and wake up to go to the bathroom. In return you feel groggy the next day but it is not normal to feel like that everyday. Many factors play a role in why one does not sleep well such as...
Most people think if they can stick there tongue out then they must not be tongue tied. Unfortunately that’s not always the case. It’s the range of motion and the function of the tongue that really matters. Many people go there entire life with a tongue tie. The good...
Did you know that digestion starts in the mouth? From the moment you place food in the mouth and start chewing the digestive process starts. Many factors take place when this happens also called “mastication”. The food gets broken down by the jaws, teeth, tongue...
Many studies have shown that poor dental health leads to high blood pressure. When we have high blood pressure, our risks for a stroke or heart attack increases. The bacteria causes inflammation in the gums and gets into the blood stream. Other risk factors are...
Some symptoms of sleep disorders and ADHD are similar… Public temper tantrums Unpredictable moods Quick to get angry and lose temper Waking up grumpy Waking up in the middle of the night Difficulties focusing and concentrating Misbehaving often If your child or a...